Fraud Blocker Anti Wrinkle Injections - York House Dental Practice
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Facial Rejuvenation

If you’re searching for safe and effective anti-wrinkle injections in Surrey then our treatments could be exactly what you’re looking for.

We offer a wide range of non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment at York Street Dental which help to improve your skin and revitalise how you look and feel about yourself. Our anti-wrinkle injections can be used to get rid of lines or wrinkles on your forehead or around the eyes. By relaxing targeted muscles in the face, these injections help to smooth out your facial appearance giving you a more youthful appearance.

Anti wrinkle-relaxing treatment

We use wrinkle-relaxing treatments on the frown lines between the eyebrows, forehead wrinkles and “crow’s feet” (lines around the eyes).

The effect will be fully noticeable two weeks after the injection and will last for three to six months.

The skin around the injected areas remains smooth and unwrinkled while untreated muscles contract normally.
It means the treatment does not stop you from making facial expressions.

What areas can be treated?

  • Forehead and eyes
  • Glabella (frown lines)
  • Brow lift
  • Gummy smile
  • Jowl tightening
  • Jaw muscles for facial slimming

How long until I can see the benefits?

The product usually takes 2-3 days to start working and the effects can last up to 4 months depending on the strength of your muscles and your individual response to the product.